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Soothing Oil

Aromacology Sensi Legazpi
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Massage soothing oil relieves muscle and joint pains, improves blood circulation, cramps, stiff neck, arthritis, dysmenorrhea. Natural pain reliever, non greasy.  Ayurveda means healing. Warming oil that relaxes and soothes aching muscles. Energize tired muscles after a strenuous day or over-exertion. Herbaceous and the deep relaxing qualities of this extract helps maintain and preserve healthy, mobile joints. Comforting when massage...
0.5 kg Beauty and Personal Care Health and Wellness

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Massage soothing oil relieves muscle and joint pains, improves blood circulation, cramps, stiff neck, arthritis, dysmenorrhea. Natural pain reliever, non greasy. 

Ayurveda means healing. Warming oil that relaxes and soothes aching muscles. Energize tired muscles after a strenuous day or over-exertion. Herbaceous and the deep relaxing qualities of this extract helps maintain and preserve healthy, mobile joints. Comforting when massage on the abdomen before and during menstruation. Ease rheumatic. arthritis pain and improve blood circulation. Good for muscle pain and stiff neck.

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